Writing @ EMU
Writing @ EMU is a dynamic site for sharing news, announcements, and updates related to Eastern Michigan University's academic programs in Written Communication and affiliated programs, such as the First-year Writing Program, the University Writing Center, and Writing Across the Curriculum. We invite you to learn more about the exciting classes, programs, and services led by our nationally-recognized faculty. EMU's academic programs in Written Communication provide students with a highly personalized learning experience. Classes are small, and thus we can get to know you well and guide you throughout the program of study best matched with your interests and aspirations. We take pride in providing students with flexible, innovative programs, and with learning experiences that respond to practical and conceptual challenges encountered by writers today. We welcome you to join us as we read, write, think, teach, and design, mindful all the while of the rhetorical impact of written communication.
Writing Is A Lot More Than You Thought
Recent Entries
May 25, 2016, WIDE-EMU 2016
Jul 12, 2015, WIDE-EMU 2015
Sep 2, 2014, Becky Morrison Review of Multimodal Literacies and Emerging Genres
Sep 2, 2014, Research As You Go
Apr 17, 2014, "Crafting Conference Proposals" Workshop
Mar 15, 2014, CFP: CCCC 2015, Tampa, Fla., Risk and Reward
Mar 10, 2014, CFPs and Events
Mar 5, 2014, Thirteen from EMU to Present at 65th Annual CCCC
Mar 2, 2014, 2014 EMWP Summer Invitational Institute
Oct 19, 2013, CFP: MASAL Conference (Oakland University)
Contact Us:
Professor Steve Benninghoff
Written Communication Program Coordinator
612 Pray-Harrold, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Email: steve.benninghoff@emich.edu
Tel. 734-487-2075