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Derek Mueller, Assistant Professor of Written Communication, will lead a Technovations workshop on Google Reader this Thursday, December 2, at 12:00 p.m. in Hall Library Room 110. The workshop, titled "How to Curate a Digital Antilibrary: An Introduction to Google Reader" is scheduled to last 55 minutes. All Technovations workshops are offered through the Bruce K. Nelson Faculty Development Center. The session description follows:
In The Black Swan Nassim Nicholas Taleb begins with a vignette about Umberto Eco's personal collection of more than 3,000 books. The impressive collection is notable, Taleb writes, not because of its magnitude or because of how favorably it reflects on the mind of its collector, but because enmeshed within it is a humbling collection of books Eco has not read: an antilibrary. A source of humility and great inventive potential, an antilibrary is the slice of any collection its curator has not read. Drawing on this anecdote, I plan to introduce attendees to Google Reader, a free, online platform for managing subscriptions to RSS feeds.
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