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Eastern Michigan University

Ypsilanti, MI 48197

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Posted Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 8:46 PM to Announcements.   
ENGL503: Rhetorical Theory and the Teaching of Writing
M, 6:30-9-10 p.m., CRN 12128 (Arrington)
A thematic course in which students read, study and analyze representative selections from classical, medieval, renaissance and modern theorists. Emphasis on applying rhetorical theories to writing and language instruction.

ENGL505: Rhetoric of Science and Technology
M, 6:30-9:10 p.m., CRN 16632 (Mueller)
In ENGL505, we will examine rhetorical dimensions of selected scientific and technological discourses. Science and technology researchers (oftentimes in close collaboration with technical communicators) construct, debate, and negotiate their innovations and insights. They must act rhetorically, crafting and circulating accounts in richly mediated and rhetorically complex systems. But how does this happen? What motivates decision-making? What can we learn--as technical and professional writers--from identifiable successes and failures in particular cases? We will study and apply rhetorical perspectives from Kenneth Burke, I.A. Richards, Jeanne Fahnestock, S. Michael Halloran, and Carolyn Miller to contemporary sci-tech events, e.g., the Fukushima radiation crisis, the BP oil spill, Climategate, the discovery of microbial alien life, and the reclassification of Pluto. Readings will include Brown and Duguid's The Social Life of Information (ISBN 0875847625), Lakoff and Johnson's Metaphors We Live By (ISBN 9780226468013), and Latour's Science in Action (ISBN 069102832X).

ENGL514: Issues in Teaching Writing
M, 6:30-9:10 p.m., CRN 11302 (Baker)
A review of the research and theory in teaching writing, with focus on the dynamics of writing and learning, and their relationship to evaluation and assessment of writing.

ENGL517: The Rhetoric of War: Language as Power and Betrayal
R, 6:30-9:10 p.m., CRN 16884 (Miller)
This course examines the rhetoric used to provoke and justify war, a venue where language is most relevant and compelling, embracing as it does matters of life and death. Topics to be explored include the language used by soldiers to cope with war and its aftermath, the language of witchcraft, glory, and sacrifice as each pertains to war, and the language of women and war in the former's various roles as war's antithesis, mourners of war dead, and purveyors of "Dear John" letters. As indicated by the course's subtitle, the emphasis throughout is on the power of language to shape and ultimately create reality, and in that context its power both to betray and to overcome betrayal.

ENGL530: Issues in English Studies for Teachers
W, 6:30-9:10 p.m., CRN 13308 (Baker)
An introduction to foundational and current issues in the field of English Education. Students will study the work of leading scholars, past and present controversies and recurring areas of concern which have helped shape the discipline.

ENGL596: Teaching Composition on the College Level
T, 5-7:40 p.m., CRN 13306 (Dunn)
A course in the methods of teaching English composition, with particular attention to beginning courses on the college and junior college level. Required of all graduate assistants and open to other interested M.A. candidates.
ENGL621: Research in Theory and Practice of Writing
R, 6:30-9:10, CRN 13310 (Krause)
A course designed to prepare students in methods of research on writing, pedagogy, professional writing and written discourse. Frequent projects, requiring research and writing.