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Eastern Michigan University

Ypsilanti, MI 48197

University Information:

Posted Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 7:45 AM to Announcements.   
To submit a proposal for the 2012 CCCC Digital Pedagogy Poster sessions, complete the form at http://creator.zoho.com/stcs/cccc-12-digital-posters/#. This year's conference will be held in St. Louis, Mo., March 21-24.

The soft deadline for poster proposals is Monday, July 3rd. If you are considering your options, here are the answers to questions most frequently asked about these posters:

  • Your participation this year will NOT count as your "one presentation" at CCCC.
  • We will have our own "room" for these posters and they will be held between Thurs - Sat., not on Wed.
  • These poster proposals will be reviewed (outside the formal CCCC review process). After which we will provide you, early in the fall, with an official letter from the 7Cs indicating that your proposal was reviewed and that you will be presenting in St. Louis.
  • Names will also be in an official Digital Pedagogy program and on the CCCC conference site.
Once again, interested folks should take a few minutes to fill out the form at http://creator.zoho.com/stcs/cccc-12-digital-posters/#. If you have any trouble with the site, just send this information to Dickie Selfe at selfe.3@osu.edu.

Proposals include:
  • Full name, affiliation, and contact information.
  • A short ~50 word description of your Digital Pedagogy approach or assignment
  • A spiffy title
  • A statement about what would constitute ideal equipment for your poster
  • Your team members' names and email