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Eastern Michigan University

Ypsilanti, MI 48197

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Posted Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 6:30 AM to Announcements. Comments: 0   
The Computer Connection, a project of the CCCC Committee on Computers in Composition (7Cs), seeks submissions for short presentations and workshops to be delivered at the Conference on College Composition and Communication in Las Vegas, March 14-16, 2013.

Each year the Computer Connection hosts many excellent presentations, covering a broad range of topics including presentations on particular classroom practices, using specific software tools, institutional and administrative practices, new online resources, content management systems, open source tools and resources, and usability and remediation in online environments. The 7Cs committee once again invites proposals for presentations so that we can share our expertise and provide engaging, dynamic demonstrations of how we use technology as teachers and scholars.

This is a very good opportunity for people who are new to the conference to give a shorter presentation (15 - 25 minutes) in an intimate, dialogue-facilitating environment. Each year, the CC has featured a mix of new folks, established scholars, and graduate students (although certainly some of our presenters fit more than one of those categories). The audience tends to be small but very engaged and ranges from postsecondary writing and communication teachers eager to learn new strategies for using computers and the Internet in their classes to technorhetoricians interested in cutting edge tools and technologies.

Computer Connection presentations are not subject to the CCCC "one speaking role" rule. Computer Connection proposals are blind reviewed by a panel of referees constituted by the 7Cs committee.

An LCD projector for display, speakers for sound, and a live Internet connection will be available.

If you are interested, please email your name and presentation proposal (including a title and brief description) to the coordinator (Douglas Eyman - eymand AT gmail.com) by October 15, 2012. Feel free to email if you have any questions.

Douglas Eyman
CCCC Computer Connection Coordinator
Co-Chair, 7C Committee
eymand AT gmail.com
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